Proposal Defense (PD)

Proposal Defense is one of the core attributes to be conducted at the earlier stage of the research programme. One needs to present his/her research proposal in front of the two panels of examiner appointed from the respective academicians recommended by the supervisor with the consent from the Faculty’s Committee of Postgraduate Studies. The guidelines towards the commencement of the session are outlined as stated:
1. Application* for Proposal Defense (PD) presentation. (PIC: Student). Download the FORM**
*Student is ONLY allowed to apply the Proposal Defense after successfully passed his/her Research Methodology (RM) course and after 4 months from the date of registration of his/her research program.
**Application FORM of the Proposal Defense
2. Fill up the FORM (Section 1 to 3 ONLY) including the nomination of examiners for a proposal presentation. (PIC: Student, Supervisor, Examiners)
3. Submit the FORM with the proposal report and review paper to Faculty’s Postgraduate office by hand/online via email (To: & cc: according to the designated format as shown below: (PIC: Supervisor)
Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera,
Merujuk kepada perkara diatas, saya ingin memohon pembentangan Cadangan Penyelidikan (Proposal) bagi pelajar Sarjana dibawah seliaan saya seperti dibawah:
Nama Pelajar/Student name: xxxxxxxx
No. Matrik/Matrics No: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Program/Programme: KDM/PDM
Penyelia Utama/Main Supervisor: xxxxPanel 1: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Panel 2: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tarikh/Date: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tempat/Venue: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Masa/Time: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tajuk Thesis/Title of the thesis: xxxxxSekian untuk makluman dan tindakan pihak tuan/puan selanjutnya. Kerjasama dari pihak Jabatan Pengajian Siswazah FKMP amatlah dihargai dan didahului dengan ucapan ribuan terima kasih.
**Supervisors have a freedom to choose preferable panels related to their fields and are free to fix the date and time after mutual agreement with the panels.
4. Wait for Approval. (PIC: Secretariat)
5. Notification of Approval will be issued to student, supervisor, and examiners c/w Nomination letter to examiners via email. (PIC: Secretariat)
6. Proposal presentation will be conducted according to the approved date, time, and venue. Secretariat will notify students, supervisors and examiners by email. (PIC: Student, Supervisor, Examiners)
Notes: Students must submit a proposal defense report, a review paper (JMER template) and a presentation slide. The review paper must be published in the Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Reviews (JMER).
An exemption* from publishing in the JMER will only be granted for the review paper assigned by the supervisor for publication in other impact-indexed publications (WOS/SCOPUS/ERA). Effective date starts from 24/4/2023.
*In cases where supervisors decide not to publish the review paper in the JMER but in other impact-indexed publications (WOS/SCOPUS/ERA), kindly fill out the exemption form given here {EXEMPTION FORM} .
A review article can also be called a literature review, or a review of literature. It is a survey of previously published research on a topic. It should give an overview of current thinking on the topic. And, unlike an original research article, it will not present new experimental results.
- How to Write an Article Review: Tips and Examples
- How to write a review article?
- Article Review - A Complete Writing Guide With Examples
7. Notification of Result and Improvement. Secretariat will acknowledge the student and supervisor via email. (PIC: Student, Supervisor)
8. Ready for next session; Research Symposium***
***Student is ONLY allowed to undergo the Research Symposium after successfully passed his/her Proposal Defense (PD).
Infographic of Procedures

Proposal Defense Assessment Criteria
A1: Content and Information (30%) – PLO 2 (C6) Cognitive Skill
A2: Quality of Presentation (20%) – PLO 9 (A5) Personal Skill
A3: Mastery of Knowledge (25%) – PLO 1 (C6) Knowledge & Understanding
A4: Aptitude and Verbal Ability (25%) – PLO 11 (A5) Ethics & Professionalism
2. Part B: REPORT (PROPOSAL) (70%)
B1: Title (5%) – PLO 1 (C6) Knowledge & Understanding
B2: Introduction (20%) – PLO 1 (C6) Knowledge & Understanding
B3: Literature Review (20%) – PLO 2 (C6) Cognitive Skill
B4: Methodology (35%) – PLO 3 (P6) Practical Skill
B5: Expected Findings (10%) – PLO 2 (C6) Cognitive Skill
B6: References (10%) – PLO 6 (P6) Digital Skill
The assessment form of Proposal Defense Report and Presentation could be obtained by contacting the Postgraduate (PG) Research Panel/Secretariat directly. Student should score a minimum of 65% and above marks (passing marks) to obtain a "Satisfactory" grade in order to progress into Research Symposium. If student’s mark is below 65%, he/she is required to submit again the improved report with or without representation of his/her proposal with a consent from both panels which a new mark will be endorsed to enable the students to progress into the Research Symposium accordingly.
For fast-track student (Bachelor’s degree to PhD), student is PROHIBITED to postpone any of their progress presentation (i.e. RM, PD etc.) and MANDATORY to present their research proposal in first or second semester.
Inquiries & Further Information
Contact Person:
Assoc. Prof. Ir. Ts. Dr. Mohd Nasrull bin Abdol Rahman,
Head of Panel Research Progress