PhD@Industry and Master@Industry

PhD@Industry and Master@Industry is a postgraduate programme (by research) mainly for Industrial Players. The Research done are industrially driven and to be carried out in the industry itself. This shall eliminate the need to leave the work place just to pursue the dream of possessing higher education.
What makes this program different?
- Research shall be fully conducted in the industry
- Research work shall be supervised by both academics and industrial practitioner
All prospective candidates should submit
- Release letter from the industry
- Non-disclosure agreement (NDA)
Prior to the application to the program. All information reported in the thesis shall be disclosed in accordance to the agreement signed. The university shall protect the confidentiality of data/information with regards to the research work. A guide to write the thesis can be found in the provided link*
*Guide for industrial-based thesis writing
The graduation criterion for PhD@Industry and Master@Industry are slightly different than the conventional method. Students enrolled in PhD@Industry and Master@Industry shall be given the privilege to substitute the Publication criterion with Research outcomes;
- Phd@Industry : Minimum TWO (2) Research outcomes
- Master@Industry : Minimum ONE (1) Research outcomes
** Research outcomes
- Patents
- Intellectual properties
- Policy Paper
- Work Instruction Manuals or Procedures
** Notes: Documents must be certified by professional bodies / authorities / technical committee