Post Viva-Voce

After completion of the viva-voce session, normally the student is required to make corrections according to comments summarized by the chairman (Report by Chairman of Thesis Examination), as well as complying with the comments and reviews in the examiner’s reports and thesis.
Student would collect copies of the examiner’s reports, evaluated thesis and Report by Chairman of Thesis Examination from CGS after the viva-voce session. In making the corrections, student is encouraged to discuss with his/her supervisor to ensure the corrections are in compliance with the examiners’ expectations. (PIC: Student)
All the corrections MUST be examined and endorsed by the supervisor (signed and stamped). (PIC: Supervisor)
Next, student need to submit the corrected thesis draft, Report by Chairman of Thesis Examination to CGS by email*. Please use the attached checklist* when submitting all documents required to the Faculty. (PIC: Student)
CGS will prepare and sent Correction Form and related documents for Examiner/s endorsement. (PIC: CGS)
Examiner/s have to return the endorsement Correction Form and related documents to CGS within 2 weeks for minor correction and within 4 weeks for major correction. (PIC: Examiner)
CGS would hand over the documents to Faculty for format checking and endorsement by JKPSF. (PIC: CGS)
Upon JKPSF’s endorsement, all documents would be returned to CGS by Faculty. Please use the attached checklist** when submitting all documents required. (PIC: Student, Faculty)
Faculty would inform student for submission of the hardbound thesis and CD (containing the thesis in PDF (signed of student and supervisors) and WORD formats, passport-size photo and CV of student) in adequate copies to CGS and Faculty promptly. Please use the attached checklist*** when submitting all documents required (PIC: Student, Supervisor)
ONE copy of the hardbound final thesis with CD attached (for CGS): to CGS
ONE CD (for library): to CGS.
ONE copy of the hardbound final thesis with CD attached (for Faculty): to Faculty.
In addition, student is responsible to submit the thesis in hard or soft copies to the supervisor(s), industrial advisor(s), sponsor(s), etc. as required. The thesis would be withheld till final endorsement by Senate before dissemination to the respective recipients.
The thesis is now ready for academic auditing by CGS prior to JKPS endorsement to Senate. (PIC: CGS)
Once JKPS endorses the result, it would be brought to the Senate for final approval. Upon Senate’s approval, letter of completion and transcript of the study can be issued upon request. (PIC: CGS)
Ready for Graduation***